Our seas, our fisheries – our food
The local, regional and global fisheries problems are our responsibility,
and a most challenging issue for all in the years to come.
David Turner, Dean of the Faculty of Science, University of Gothenburg
09.00 Registration and Coffee
09.30 Introduction, Director General Axel Wenblad,
Swedish Board of Fisheries
Swedish perspective (In Swedish)
09.35 Sveriges syn på hållbar fiskepolitik
Magnus Kindbom, Head of Political Staff, Ministry of Agriculture
En politik för våra hav
Åsa-Britt Karlsson, State Secretary, Ministry of Environment
09.50 Hur tar vi reda på hur havet mår?
Prof. Åke Hagström, Havsmiljöinstitutet
10.10 Panel debate
10.30 Coffee
European perspective (In English)
11.00 Fish on our Plates or Fish in the Sea –
What Future for the Common Fisheries Policy?
Dr. Joe Borg, Award winner of Kungsfenan 2009
Commissioner for Fisheries and Maritime Affairs 2004-2009
11.20 Carmen Fraga – to be confirmed
Chairman, Fisheries Committee of the European Parliament
11.40 European Maritime Surveillance; Fisheries example
Harm Koster, Community Fisheries Control Agency (CFCA)
12.00 Baltic Sea Fisheries – Lessons learned and future perspectives
Reine J. Johansson, Chairman of the Baltic Sea RAC
12.20 Regional Concern for a Silent Sea
Roland Andersson, President of Region Västra Götaland
12.40 Panel debate
13.00 Lunch – Handelsrätten
Global perspective (In English)
14.00 Dr. Abraham Iyambo, Minister of Fisheries, Namibia,
Award winner of Kungsfenan 2009
14.20 Elements for successes in sustainable fisheries
seen from a global perspective
Ichiro Nomura – to be confirmed
Assistant Director General, FAO Fisheries Department
14.40 Food Security in a Local and Climate Perspective
Director General Anders Nordström, Sida
15.00 Fisheries Development as Freedom
Prof. Svein Jentoft, University of Tromsö/University of Gothenburg
15.30 Panel discussions
16.00 Conclusions and closing remarks
Director General Axel Wenblad, Swedish Board of Fisheries
Arrangörer: Kungsfenan The Swedish Seafood Awards medlemsorganisationer
Plats: Malmstenssalen, Handelshögskolan, Vasagatan 3
Seminariet är öppet för allmänheten.
Anmälan senast den 1/2 2010 till marie.larsson@fiskeriverket.se
Produkt id: 2010-02-11